Most of us carry, on some level, a sense of not having enough and/or not being enough. It creates a low-grade, chronic feeling of strain or push in the bodymind, which we may sometimes experience or refer to as stress.
Like most feeling states, it can be released. And with practice, its release can bring a greater sense of ease and freedom. But before you can release any unwanted thought, feeling, or belief you must first acknowledge its presence. If you want to release it at its source, you must connect with it at the level of the bodymind, as a felt experience. Here's how . . . Begin by getting still, grounding yourself, breathing consciously, and quieting your mind. Then ask yourself, "Could I allow myself to welcome any sense of 'It's not enough' or 'I'm not enough?'" Then breathe. Take a moment to allow any sense of the not enoughness to emerge. Gently be with it for a few moments and then ask yourself, "Could I allow myself to be open, at least to the possibility, that 'It's enough' or that 'I'm enough?'" Breathe and notice what happens inside. And again, gently be with whatever arises for a few moments. Go back and forth with these two sets of questions as many times as you'd like, while breathing and noticing what happens inside as you do. You may have to go back and forth at least ten times to notice a shift and it might be subtle. But take your time and approach this exercise with as much openness and curiosity as you can - as best you can:). To learn more about releasing, you might want to read the following article and/or watch the helpful video below:
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