Most of us are like heads walking around with bodies that happen to be attached. I often say that we don't notice our bodies unless they're hurt or sick or don't look the way we want them to. We've inherited this orientation and dismissive relationship to our bodies from our historically masculine-biased culture.
The masculine, in the bigger sense of the word, is all about achieving goals and enhancing his sense of worth and identity by proving himself in the world. He doesn't have time to be bothered by pesky body sensations or irrational emotions. And so he has, throughout history, needed to suppress his own feelings and ours - anything that might distract him and threaten his effectiveness or "in-control" sense of self. This isn't meant to be a male-bashing rant. It's just meant to point out that we, as part of this masculine-biased culture, have adopted these values and have therefore continued to suppress and silence the less rational, potentially wilder, less predictable part of ourselves. We have unfortunately, unconsciously mostly, continued to view our bodies and emotions as problems to be fixed versus natural, necessary, and equal aspects of our humanness. Even the counseling profession has joined in the bias. The counseling field has historically been about analyzing our emotions so that we can talk sense to them and ultimately, therefore, quiet them. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is popular for this very reason with its emphasis on controlling how we feel with our thinking. But some of us are seeing the heavy price that this limited, sometimes stifling approach, has taken on our health and our attempts to heal emotionally. We are returning to the body for its wisdom and what it has to tell us about the suppressed emotions and old programming that's stored there. |
Art by Jennie Wakefield
Embodiment As Key To Healing, Pleasure, and Lasting Happiness
Fears About What Might Happen When We Connect With Our Bodies
Reconnecting With Your Body: Practical Tips For Getting Started
How To Stay Connected To Your Own Body While Taking Care Of Others
Healing the Split Between the Physical and the Spiritual
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