The following is a condensed excerpt from a session with a male client, who had been on high blood pressure medication for several years. He presented initially with feelings of depression. Our sessions generally focused on helping him: get grounded, connect with and track body sensations, and learn how to integrate and "release" negative feelings that emerged during the process. I had been working with him for about 3 months, several times per month, when the following breakthrough occurred. Session took place at Heaven On Earth Farm, on the bridge, over the creek. Me: So do your best to focus inside, and see if you can notice what's happening now. CLIENT: Well, I notice a tight feeling in my upper back . . . now it feels more like a weight . . . like something heavy pressing down on me. Me: Great noticing. See if you can allow it to be here . . . as best you can. CLIENT: Yeah. I can do that. Me; Now see if there's any sense of pushing back at it, wanting it to go away, or wanting to change or fix it. CLIENT: Yes. Me: Of course. It's completely understandable. See if you can allow that to be here too. And see if you can offer yourself, and the feelings, a little compassion - as best you can - the sense of pressure and the not-wanting-it-to-be-here. CLIENT: (Pause) Yes. (Client sighs and takes deep breath). Me: What's happening now? CLIENT: I feel a relief in my upper back. The heaviness is gone. Me: OK. See if you can welcome that sense of relief? CLIENT: Yes. (Long pause). Me: What's happening now? CLIENT: (Long pause. Breathing becomes shallow). There's something else now . . . I don't like it . . . I don't like it at all. Me: Yeah. I bet not. But see if you can just allow yourself to notice it. Remember . . . it's just energy. If it's coming up, it wants to move, it's ready to be released. So see if you can just allow it as best you can. CLIENT: (Long pause). Yeah. But I really don't like it. (Client shows signs of heightened arousal, discomfort, difficulty breathing). Me: See if you can feel your feet . . . continue to breathe as best you can . . . CLIENT: It's that dark place I've seen before. It's black . . . I don't like it . . . I really don't want to go there. Me: That's totally understandable. And you don't have to . . . but check to see if you can breathe and feel your feet and continue to watch it. CLIENT: (Long pause). Yeah. (Client continues to breathe quickly and shallowly with eyes closed). What the hell is this? Me: I don't know. But see if you can feel your feet and notice - as best you can - that despite the feelings being stirred up . . . in this moment . . . you are safe. CLIENT: Yeah. I can do that. (Client is quiet for a long time as he continues to breathe through the feelings coming up). Me: What's happening now? CLIENT: It's big . . . and black . . . and scary . . . Oh God. I feel sick. Me: I know. But you're doing great. Can you feel your feet? CLIENT: Yes. Me: Good. Keep breathing as best you can and tell me what's happening now. CLIENT: It's like a burning now . . . and it's moving . . . it's . . . it's moving and . . . (Clients eyes open with surprise and looks at me). What the hell just happened?! Me: I don't know. What's here now? CLIENT: It's gone. Completely gone . . . the dark place . . . it felt terrible . . . I mean really dark, really scary . . . and now it's gone. It's like I could feel it moving through my chest, up to my throat, into my face, and then it was gone. What the hell was it? What just happened? Me: I'm not sure. But close your eyes and check inside. What's here now? CLIENT: (Pause). Peace. Total relief. Whatever that was . . I've been carrying it for a long time . . . and now it's gone . . . there's just . . . space. Me: Congratulations. (Client opens his eyes). Whatever it was . . .and isn't it great that we don't have to know . . . you were willing to see it, face it, be with it with compassion, and allow it to release. Takes alot of courage. CLIENT: (Client shakes his head). That was crazy . . . I feel like a demon has left me. This client returned for his next session and reported that he had been to see his doctor and with his doctor's support, has discontinued his high blood pressure medication.
(Please note: "Releasing" is not intended to treat or cure any illness and is not meant to be a substitute for medical treatment).
5/21/2017 10:30:27 am
Wow! Intense! Glad client was able to get relief and off his BP meds! Good job Shelly!
2/8/2022 04:29:43 pm
Omg I have chills from reading this! So amazing that you could help him work through and release this.
6/18/2022 10:56:13 am
I feel honored and privileged to be present with and hold a space for such courage. Thank you for your comment and I apologize for not responding sooner. For some reason I’m just now seeing it!
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