The term coaching, as it refers to Life Coaching, is often misunderstood. Good coaching is not about giving advice. Good coaching helps you discover your own answers, your own truth, inside your own heart.
I am a Life Coach, but that doesn't make me an expert on your life. I'm barely an expert on my own. What I do know is this: suppressed emotions, repressed memories, and unconscious beliefs, live inside the cells of your body, and they're running your life behind the scenes. We like to think that our rational minds are running the show. But, if your life, your body, your relationships, or your career, don't look or feel the way you want them to, despite your best efforts, you can bet that unconscious programs are at work, undermining and sabotaging the happiness, success, and freedom that is your birthright. These sabotaging "energies" do not live in the same place as your intellect, so trying to affect them solely through your intellect is a waste of time. After all, you're a smart person. If you could fix it with your mind you would have done so by now. |
Feelings are just "energy" and there's nothing wrong with you for feeling them. But you have within you an innate capacity to transform all negative energies with love. |
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